Billing addresses and instructions

City of Kemijärvi (business ID 0191717-9), Kemijärven Kehitys Oy (business ID 0347641-8)
Kemijärven lämpö- ja vesi Oy (business ID 0210506-8), Itä-Lapin kuntayhtymä (business ID 1044651-6)

Online billing

e-invoicing operator: CGI
Broker ID: 003703575029

City of Kemijärvi/ Vitality Services00370191717920141
City of Kemijärvi/ Administrative and support services
Invoices for environmental health care
also to this billing address
City of Kemijärvi/ Facilities Management Services00370191717920716
City of Kemijärvi/ Future Services00370191717920061
Kemijärvi Development Ltd00370347641820554
Kemijärven lämpö ja vesi Oy, Heating Department00370210506820302
Kemijärven lämpö ja vesi Oy, Water Department00370191717920223
Eastern Lapland Consortium of Local Authorities00371044651620635

Paper invoices

For invoices printed on paper, please indicate the address.

City of Kemijärvi/ Administrative and support services
Invoices for environmental health care
also to this billing address
PL 956 00074 CGI
City of Kemijärvi/ Vitality ServicesPL 95500074 CGI
City of Kemijärvi/ Future Services PL 95800074 CGI
City of Kemijärvi/ Facilities Management ServicesPL 95700074 CGI
Kemijärvi Development LtdPL 951 00074 CGI
Kemijärven lämpö ja vesi Oy, Heating DepartmentPL 953 00074 CGI
Kemijärven lämpö ja vesi Oy, Water Management DepartmentPL 95400074 CGI
Eastern Lapland Consortium of Local AuthoritiesPL 95200074 CGI

The invoice must show the delivery address given by the customer and the industry sector as a reference,
office, institution, school, kindergarten, etc. and the name of the customer and/or the work item/project.
We accept invoices preferably as online or paper invoices.

For more information on address and billing information, please contact:
Lepinsalo Sari 040 501 7371
Sari Sari Sari Saris Sari Sari Sari, Hannele Jaakkola 040 739 7636
Juujärvi Heidi 040 168 2525
