Särkelä day care centre

Särkelä day care centre is open on weekdays from 6.30-18.00. There are three groups in the kindergarten and pre-school education is provided in the adjacent sports hall for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 periods.
Address Heikinkatu 8 98120 Kemijärvi
Director of the day nursery
Eija Helisten-Jallow tel. 040 725 1079 eija.helisten-jallow@kemijarvi.fi
Deputy Director/steering teacher
Simo Lautamo tel. 040 827 5961 simo.lautamo@kemijarvi.fi
Särkelä and Jyvälänpuisto kindergartens
Early Years Teacher
Anu Kiviniemi tel. 0400246 735 anu.kiviniemi@kemijarvi.fi
Särkelä and Jyvälänpuisto kindergartens
Contact details of the groups
Toddlers (under 3 years) 040 578 8427
Tenavat (1-5 years old) 040 632 4652
Toddlers (3-5 years) 040 673 6235
Pre-school 040 354 9082
Notification of hours of treatment
Early Childhood Education and Care uses the eAccessibility website to report childcare hours. Booking childcare hours helps the carer to monitor the number of hours booked and the actual hours used. Electronic booking of childcare hours (pdf)
The nursery staff can see in their own system the hours booked by the carers and therefore know when each child is present. These times must be entered on the eAccessibility website by 12.00 on the Wednesday of the previous week.