Kemijärvi Disability Council

The Kemijärvi Disability Council works alongside organisations to promote the views of disabled residents in the community. The Disability Council is a consultative and cooperative body of disabled people and their organisations and representatives of the municipal administration.

The Disability Council can make initiatives and proposals and give opinions on matters that are relevant to the living and performance of people with disabilities. The Disability Council cannot deal with individual cases.

Chairperson of the Disability Council Pikkuvirta Sirkka
Vice Chairperson of the Disability Council Uusisalmi Irja
Secretary of the Disability Council, Planner Piisilä Päivi

Members of the Disability Council for the 2021-2025 term of office:

Member (organisation)Alternate member
Uusisalmi Irja (Koillis-Kuulo ry)Korhonen Maija (Napapiirin Hengitysyhdistys ry /Kemijärvi Silmu)
Pikkuvirta Sirkka (Kemijärven Sydänyhdistys ry)Stenroos Toivo (Northeast Lapland Diabetes Association)
Ollakka Terttu (North-East Lapland Rheumatism Association)Karjalainen Aarne (North-East Lapland Disabled People’s Association)
Lievonen-Kunnari Tuija (Northeast Lapland Mind Association)Nikkarinen Sirpa (North-East Lapland Rheumatism Association)
Sotaniemi Saara (Kemijärven Developmental Disabilities Support Association)Malkamäki Mauri (Northeast Lapland MS Club)
Members of the Disability Council for the 2021-2025

Jemina Lahtela, Planner
Päivi Piisilä, planner, secretary

Contact details of the Disability Council:

Secretary of the Disability Council
Päivi Piisilä
040 480 6093

Minutes of the Disability Council meetings

National Council for Disabled People VANE: