Contact information

Hillatie School

Hillatie School

Hillatie 6
98100 Kemijärvi

Office, School Secretary Päivi Pöyliö, tel. 040 0157714
Rector Marika Annala, tel. 040 5891342

The emails are in the following format


Student workspace: office365

Hillatie school staff

Teachers can be contacted by phone on working days from 8am to 4pm, at other times and always via Wilma. Messages will be answered within three days.

MissionNamePhone number
RectorAnnala Marika040 589 1342
Assistant Headmaster (Primary School), Home Economics, Grades 5-9Karoliina Hofmann040 539 7572
Deputy Headmaster, Religion, grades 7 and 9 Marjokorpi Marikka040 041 8273
School secretaryPäivi Pöyliö040 015 7714
NursesLöf Johanna, grades 1-6, available Mon and Tue and every other week on Fridays (information at the door)
Rae-Lahtela Anu, grades 7-9, available Wed and Thurs and every other week on Fridays (information at the door)
040 683 5286
040 024 5196
CuratorsMaaninka-Mäkinen Essi
Vartioniemi-Iso-Heiko Riitta, small groups A, B, C and Jopo
040 705 8592
040 539 6798
School psychologistFinnish Saara 
Kitchen managersTornberg Aune
Imponen Anne
Juujärvi Kaisu
040 539 5171
Real estate agentSivosuo Vesa040 514 2081
Custodians Roikka OYThe old side:
Sulasalmi Pirkko
Ruokamo Soile
Piisilä Eila
The new side and the slicing school:
Rantanen Kati
Tuulaniemi Tanja

040 539 6903
040 842 7487
040 159 8290

040 141 6911
040 184 9025
School counsellors:  
Morning and Evening ActivityProgramme (APIP) instructorThe current rotation040 186 9383
 Heikkinen One ONE, 5A, 5B040 544 2480
 Hernesaho Eemeli EHER, grades 7 – 9040 579 6303
 Karppila Maarit MKA, 3A, 3C040 121 7226
 Kejonen Anne 
 Kujanpää Saara SKU, 3B, 6C040 481 9490
 Kunnari Niina NKU040 182 2589
 Kostamo Juha040 480 1041
 Lampela Pauliina PALA, Jopo040 480 1041
TransportNiemelä Mirva MNI, C040 704 8301
 Oksanen Jaana JOK, D050 331 8975
 Päivi Pyhäjärvi PPY, 1ABC040 152 6974
 Rytilahti Sinikka SRY, 2AB040 182 3163
 Salmela Päivi PÄSÄ, B040 513 2179
 Simula Elina ELSI, B040 593 0586
 Tauriainen-Koper Kerttu KTK, 3AC040 515 3284
 Tuomilahti Maria-Helena MATU, B040 141 8930
 Intermediate eastern IVA, A040 355 9468
Hillatie school staff

HIllatie school teachers

Aalto Anitta AAAhealth sciences 7 – 9040 536 0245  
Aalto Pirkka PAABiology 7- 9, Geography 7 – 9, Environmental Science 6ABC040 557 5346
Ala-Poikela Rauno RALClass teacher, technical work 6A040 480 10806B
Georgios Apostolakis GAPinformation technology, orthodox religion050 345 6115 
Hofmann Karoliina KHODeputy Headmaster (Basic Education), Home Economics 5 – 9040 539 7572 8A
Hautala Sari SHAhome economics and optional crafts040 1954 509  
Halonen Jussi JUHAsmall group teacher040 595 9627D
Hakulinen Heidi HEHAClass teacher, English 6B 040 592 9470 1B
Holmström Henri H.Hsubstitute teacher040 049 1121 
Kanniainen Riitta RKAspecial education 7 – 8040 726 1083 
Kanniainen Tommi TKAspecial education 5 – 6040 357 7859 
Kantola Minna MIKAclass teacher040 592 95102A
Kelloniemi Liisa LKEEnglish 9. lk040 198 1215  
Kittilä Jenni JKIclass teacher040 547 86072B
Koskela Lea LKOlife and religious studies 7 – 9, history 7B040 523 0002 
Kumpula Milka MKUclass teacher, mathematics 9A, 9B040 518 4023 3C
Kärri Petri PKÄhistory and social studies 7 – 9, religion 9A, 9B040 198 15559A
Lahtela Pauliina PLAHResource teacher, Mathematics 7B and 9C040 680 5170 7B
Lampela Katariina KLAclass teacher040 740 21134A
Lassila Sari SLA class teacher050 548 61184B
Lehtinen Anna-Kaisa AKLJopo-class teacher040 183 8502 7J, 8J, 9J
Lehtinen Marja-Liisa MLLspecial education 1 and 2040 705 8404ELA
Lämsä Kati KLÄsmall group teacher040 153 0271A
Olga ManninenS2 language teacher040 188 3506 
Mantsinen Maria MAMclass teacher040 740 1137 2B
Marjokorpi Marikka MMADeputy Rector (Upper Secondary School), Religion 8 and 9C040 041 8273 
Martin Tanja TAMA,Class teacher 5A, Visual Arts 7 – 9040 153 0639 5A
Melliouech Tiina TMIclass teacher  2A
Murto Marjo MMUmother tongue and literature 7ABC, 8AB, 9BC040 771 9731 9B
Narcilahti Auli ANARPreparatory teaching 040 193 6438  
Niku Tommi TNIphysical education 6 – 9040 760 5465 9C
Palojärvi Pauliina PAPAresource teacher 1 – 6 p.e.040 559 2598  
Pelkonen Eija EIPEmother tongue and literature040 186 1054 9A
Pentinsaari Anna-Leena ALPphysics and chemistry 7 – 9040 761 8680 8A
Pirttijärvi Anita APIstudy counsellor, 7th grade, small groups C and B040 1984 305
Pörhö Petri PPÖMathematics 7AC, 8AB040 178 80197A
Pöyliö Seija SPÖClass teacher, Crafts B and 3C040 026 9315 5B
Raatikainen Marje MARAclass teacher040 573 4394 1C
Rae Eija ERAEnglish 3B, 7 – p., Swedish 7 – 8 p.040 589 2383 8B
Remes Eeva EREmusic 4 – 9 pk040 184 0859 9C
Riekkola Anu ARIclass teacher040 658 6788 1A
Katariina Ruokamo KRUclass teacher, crafts 6B, 6C, 3A, religion 4A social studies 5A040 720 6717 6A
Grass Cricketspecial education 3 – 4040 022 1477 
Salmela Sami SSASwedish, German  
Sipovaara Anne-Mari AMSclass teacher, optional crafts 9 lk.040 740 1509 4C
Somppi Mariannepreparatory teacher 050 018 7666 V2
Soppela Ari ASOclass teacher040 740 1917 6A
Soppela Hannu HSOtechnical work040 029 6038 7C
Riitta Stöckell RSTstudy counsellor, basic education and Kemijärvi upper secondary school040 524 0022 
Tervonen Katariina KTEphysical education 5 – 9040 704 5847 
Tikkanen Niina NTIsmall group teacher040 198 5660C
Varrio Lauri LVAS2 subject teacher040 531 9676  
Varrio-Majava Teija TVMsmall group teacher, special education 9 lk.040 571 0227 B
Åke Anttispecial education class teacher, stopping class040 573 6243  
Hillatie school teachers