News from the library

Exceptions to opening hours

On Friday 24.5. the library is closed, only self-service hours are available from 9-20.Library staff in training.

The environmental impact assessment programme for the Rokamo-Nälkämä wind power project in Kemijärvi is open for public at the Kemijärvi Library and Service Point Sortteeri 17.4 – 16.5.2024.

More information here

Guest author Tuija Kauppinen: Joutilaita kilometrejä – cycling across South America
Mon 3.6. from 17:00

Tuija Kauppinen and her husband cycled almost 18 000 kilometres around South America. The book Joutilaita kilometrejä – bicycling through South America (Kirjapaja 2024) is the result of an adventure that lasted more than a year.

This is an entertaining and thought-provoking travel book that looks at South America from a bicycle perspective. It’s an inspiring read for anyone interested in pushing themselves and making their dreams come true. For anyone planning their own bike trip, it offers useful information and practical tips.

Tuija Kauppinen is an experienced cycling traveller and a freelance journalist specialising in hiking in Rovaniemi. Tuija is not so much interested in gear and bike fancying as she is in the world around her behind the bar and what it does between her own ears.

The event will last about an hour and the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions and buy the book signed (€25 cash or MobilePay).

The event is organised together with Kemijärvi Ladu.

Coffee service.