Citizens’ initiative

Under the Municipal Act, members of a municipality (residents, communities, etc.) have the right to take initiatives in matters concerning its activities. The service also allows you to support and follow initiatives taken by others.

What is the citizens’ initiative?

The citizens’ initiative is a tool for direct influence. It allows a resident to raise a topical issue or problem and draw the attention of decision-makers to it.

Every initiative from a municipality is dealt with. In a municipality, the initiative is referred to the authority that is responsible for it in the municipality. The municipality must inform the initiator of any action taken on the initiative.

In addition to the ordinary municipal initiative, municipalities can also take the initiative to organise a municipal advisory referendum. The initiative must be signed by at least 4% of the city’s residents aged 15 or over. In this case, the council must decide without delay whether to hold the referendum referred to in the initiative.

Initiatives can be submitted via the online service or at

The service, managed by the Ministry of Justice, provides comprehensive instructions on how to submit an initiative.

Who can submit a citizens’ initiative?

A citizens’ initiative can be submitted by a single member of the municipality or by several members together. People under the age of 18 can also submit a citizens’ initiative. Under the Municipal Act, all residents of a municipality and those who control or own immovable property in the municipality are members of the municipality. Associations, institutions and foundations whose registered office is in the municipality are also members of the municipality. In addition, the user of a service has the right to take initiatives concerning the municipal service in question.