Early childhood education and care
Early childhood education and care services
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Kemijärvi’s early childhood education is close to nature, as we are surrounded by forests and water bodies on all sides. Our priority is the well-being of the child and individual attention. We pay special attention to cultural education and small group activities. Diverse
learning environments are visible in everyday life, for example through active cooperation with the library and the use of local sports facilities. For example, we take groups of children to the swimming pool and the ice rink, as well as to the outdoors.
The pedagogical activities of early childhood education and care and their implementation are holistic. The aim is to promote children’s learning, well-being and broad competence. Pedagogical activities take place through interaction between children and staff and through joint activities. Early childhood education and care consciously promotes and develops inclusion, equality and equity in all its activities.
Early childhood education and care offers full-time and part-time care, day care, early special education, temporary care and pre-primary education.
A personalised early childhood education or pre-school education plan is drawn up for each child, together with the child’s carers and staff. The plan is a pedagogical and legal document based on the child’s interests and needs.
The Early Childhood Education Act entitles all children under school age to a municipal early childhood education place or, alternatively, children under three years of age to home care support.
More information regarding early childhood education available also in English and in Ukrainian.
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