Integration services
Kemijärvi is a city where it is safe and comfortable to live, work and play. The aim is that every resident of Kemijärvi, regardless of their origin, can safely participate in building their own life.
The city ensures that basic services are also suitable and accessible to immigrants. We offer the same basic services to immigrants as to other citizens. Social and health services are provided by the Lapland Welfare Region. More information about the services for immigrants in the Lapin hyvinvointigebiet
Integration services provide guidance, counselling and support to beneficiaries of international protection and persons granted positive asylum and their families.
The customer can start the service when he/she has received a residence permit on the basis of international protection or temporary protection and his/her municipality of residence is registered as Kemijärvi in the Population Information System. The first three years after the residence permit has been granted.
The aim of integration services is to promote immigrants’ independent living, education and employment and to support their participation in Finnish society. They are helped in everyday life situations, in dealing with the authorities and in accessing various services.
The immigrant’s integration path starts with an initial assessment. This can be initiated either by the municipality or the TE Office. The purpose of the initial assessment is to identify the immigrant’s service needs and plan individual integration services. If necessary, the welfare region can also be involved in drawing up the initial mapping. On the basis of the initial assessment, an individual integration plan is drawn up, in which measures and services are agreed to support the immigrant’s chances of acquiring sufficient language skills and the knowledge and skills needed in working life, and to promote his or her opportunities to participate as an equal member of Finnish society.
An integration plan is always made if you are:
- an unemployed jobseeker, or
- receive income support, or
- you are under 18 years old and have no guardian in Finland.
Integration training is usually provided as labour market training. The training includes learning Finnish, getting to know Finnish society and working life. You can study Finnish at the Civic Education Centre.
Client reception by appointment, tel. +358405890983
Advice is available in Finnish and, if necessary, with the help of an interpreter.
City of Kemijärvi Integration Programme 2023-2025 (pdf)
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Social services for migrants in the welfare region.pdf
Social services for migrants in the welfare area English.pdf
Social services for migrants in the welfare region Ukrainian.pdf