Veterinary health surveillance plan and fees

The specific legislation on environmental health requires municipalities to draw up and adopt an environmental health monitoring plan for regular monitoring so that the monitoring is of high quality, regular and preventive.

According to Section 10 of the Veterinary Welfare Act (785/2009), a municipality must draw up a plan for the veterinary services it organises and for the organisation of animal health and welfare supervision in its territory. In this context, a municipality also means a municipal environmental health control unit or a municipal environmental health cooperation area.

According to the law, the plan must contain information on the way the veterinary service is provided, its availability, quality and quantity, as well as information on the inspections, sampling and other measures to be carried out. When planning the size of the service, account must be taken of the services provided by private veterinary service providers in the area.

The municipal plan must take into account the national control programme and the regional control plan and must be assessed and reviewed as necessary, but at least every three years. The Regional Administrative Office shall guide the preparation of the municipal plan and monitor and evaluate its implementation.

In the municipal plan, the municipality must describe how the animal health and welfare control tasks assigned to the municipal veterinarian are organised in the area. In particular, it must describe the objects of control, approval procedures, planning and carrying out of inspections, sampling, administrative coercive measures and monitoring and reporting on the implementation of controls.

The municipality must show in its plan that veterinary services are organised in accordance with the requirements of the Veterinary Welfare Act.

Veterinary Surveillance Plan 2015-2023, updated 2023 (10.2.2023 § 16)

Veterinary levy 1.6.2023

Fees for environmental health care 20.12.2023 Fees for veterinary care can be found on page 13.