Kemijärvi city rental houses

General view of the centre of Kemijärvi.

Kemijärvi Vuokratalot and Kemijärvi Töveli, real estate companies owned by the City of Kemijärvi, have 560 rental apartments across the city. Find out more about the location, building and apartment types on these pages.

See locations

Customer service

The housing secretary can be contacted on tel. 040 3592 381 on weekdays between 9-11

or email

The service point is located at Vapaudenkatu 8 Sortteeri Kemijärvi. Appointments are made by appointment.

YouTube introduction video about the city of Kemijärvi

Kemijärven Roikka Oy

Service point Sortteeri
Vapaudenkatu 8 PL 5
98101 Kemijärvi