Building inspection

Building control and derogations

The building control authority is the Economic Development Board and the official functions are carried out by the Building Inspector. Building control is an official activity and its task is to help ensure that the built environment is safe, healthy, sustainable and comfortable. It also contributes to ensuring that construction complies with generally accepted standards.

The Building Control Department is responsible for advising, guiding, processing permits and supervising construction activities.

However, structures and equipment that do not require a permit or notification procedure must be built at a distance from the neighbour’s boundary and buildings and from the shoreline in accordance with the regulations and provisions. Structures and equipment must also be compatible with the environment and must not cause unreasonable inconvenience to neighbours.

Permits under the Land Use and Building Act include:

  • Building permit MRL 125 §
  • Authorisation to operate MRL 126 §
  • Notification of measures MRL 129 §
  • Demolition permit MRL 127 §
  • Notice of demolition MRL 127 § 3 mom.
  • Landscape permit MRL 128
  • Extended building permit examination (planning permit decision) MRL 137 §

Requiring a building permit

  • Construction of a building
  • Repair and alteration work comparable to the construction of a building
  • Extension of the building
  • Increasing the floor area of a building
  • Repair and alteration work other than that mentioned above, where the work is likely to affect the safety and health of building users.
  • Substantial change of use of a building or part of a building

Small building projects and the construction of structures and the like require a permit.

Be sure to read the permit decision, permit conditions and any statements before starting any construction or operation.

For measures requiring a building permit and a permit for measures, see section 2.3 of the City’s building regulations.The above permits must be applied for if the maximum limits set out in the list are exceeded or the conditions mentioned are not otherwise met.

A landscape permit is required for earthworks that change the landscape, as well as for felling trees, etc., unless it is a minor operation. In a zoning area, tree felling, for example, requires at least a notification.

No building or part of a building may be demolished without a demolition permit in a zoning district or in a no-build zone. If a demolition permit is not required, a demolition notice must always be given 30 days before demolition work is to begin.

In the case of construction or other measures of minor importance and impact, a notification of measures is sufficient. In such cases, construction may proceed unless the building control authority, within 14 days of receipt of the notification, has required an application for a building and intervention permit for the project. For measures requiring notification, see sections 2.2 and 2.3 of the city’ s building regulations.

For more information:


Requests for advice and discussion primarily at Lupapiste
Document requests:

Building Control Office:
Vapaudenkatu 8 B, 3rd floor, 98100 Kemijärvi, Finland

Sirpa Ollila, Building Inspector, tel. 0400203257
Marja-Liisa Vornanen, Permit Preparer, tel. 040 356 3022


A deviation decision is required, for example, for deviating from a plan and for building in a coastal zone or area in an area where building is not prescribed by a plan (Land Use and Building Act, Sections 72 and 171).

Applications for derogation and requests for advice are made electronically at

See Chapter 4 of the City Building Code. Construction on the waterfront

  • A derogation may be granted if the legal conditions for the authorisation are met (MRL § 172) and there are special reasons for it as defined in MRL § 171. HOX! The applicant must state the special reasons in the ‘project description’ section of the application. The reasons must relate to the land use objectives and the implementation of the MRL.
  • The application must be accompanied by a 1:500 or 1:1000 scale plan of the site. The drawing must show the existing and planned buildings, elevations, site access, distances between buildings and boundaries, distances to the shoreline if any, and uses. See model site plan (pdf). The layout plan in PDF format and to scale is available from the Kemijärvi Map Service. For areas outside the map, other versions can be ordered from the Land Surveyor’s Office
  • The consultation of the neighbour is carried out by the permit authority (included in the variation fee) or by the permit applicant. If the consultation is carried out by the applicant, the applicant must attach a completed and signed Neighbour Consultation (Word) form to the application or carry out the consultation electronically. For the neighbour consultation, a list of the neighbours to be consulted should be requested from the permit processor.

Processing of the application:

  • Checking the information in the application
  • Consult neighbours where appropriate and seek any comments from the authorities
  • If necessary, a sizing and base space review will be carried out
  • Prepare a proposal for the decision of the Living Environment Board
  • The decision will be issued in writing after publication and sent by post to the applicant. The decision shall state the reasons on which it is based and may be subject to conditions

After a positive decision on a derogation, a certificate of validity must be requested from the administrative court (instructions accompanying the decision), which must be attached to the application for a building permit. The building permit must be applied for within two years.

Deviation permit fee (Board of Vitality 4.5.2023 § 55)

  • Per approved derogation decision 660 €
  • Per rejected derogation decision 330 €

In addition, any advertising costs will be charged.

For derogation decisions that require more extensive background research and preparatory work than usual, the fee may be increased by up to 30%.


Planner Jemina Lahtela
tel. 040 159 2313